L'Angelo dell'Alta Langa

On June 7th 2015, the inauguration took place on the Piazza XX Settembre, of the monumental ‘ L’ Angelo dell’ Alta Langa’, a work of art made by the contemporary artist Daniele Cazzato.
The idea to create such an impressive work of art finds its origin in a very moving episode during the 2nd World War in Bossolasco. At the time, the whole village stood as one man around a group of jews, on the run for the Nazis. The group was accommodated, hidden and protected and their lives were saved.
When you see the angel for the first time, we would like you to look at its forms: the left wing that embraces and protects and the right one stretched out, strong and ready to stop any threat, but at the same time also ready to welcome anyone who wants to take refuge in it.
This represents exactly the love that our ancestors, here in Bossolasco, here in the square, were able to offer to people in big trouble, afraid and in search for protection.
L’Angelo dell’ Alta Langa’ is placed on this beautiful square, but we must realize that this monument doesn’t only belong to Bossolasco or Alta Langa, but that it is a universal property. It spreads a marvellous universal message that goes beyond the square, the village and the Langhe.
In its flight, this beautiful, strong Angel that will move you and touch your heart, becomes an important testimony for and to the whole world.
Our wish is, that each of you will make the Angel, into your own angel, under which wings it’s good to reflect on what we were then and what we are now. Men and women, virtuous, courageous, able to love our fellow man. That’s how we were 70 years ago and that’s how we want to be now. The angel invites you to look inside and reflect on courage, sensitivity, tolerance, brotherhood and the capacity to give to others and move away from indifference, one of the worst evils of today.

This project is completely financed by the Proloco of Bossolasco, but we need your help. We invite everyone who supports our project and appreciates the efforts made, to confirm that we are on the right path. This can be done by buying a T-shirt with the logo of the Angel on it in one of the shops, or by donating (however small an amount) to the ‘Associazione Turistica Proloco di Bossolasco’ IBAN code: IT11 X34 2546 0200 0000 0011 352


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