OK market

Since 1961 the OK market, a family-run business, has developed from a typical village shop into a small supermarket. Inside the new and modern shop on the Via Circonvallazione Provinciale, besides a variety of all kinds of food and drinks, you’ll find the MACELLERIA SALUMERIA BERTOLA (butcher) that offers its clients meat of Piedmontese breed, coming from cattle farms at 0 km from the shop and slaughtered on the spot. Another feast for the eye are the locally produced typical ‘salumi’(cold cuts) of the Langhe, such as sausages, cooked salami, raw salami and ham.


Via Circ. Provinciale 2, BOSSOLASCO (CN)

Tel. +39 0173 793116 - FAX 0173 793116

MAIL: okmarket_bert@alice.it

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